Team Beachbody!

Friday, April 30, 2010

New Blog Tradition: 5 Question Friday!

So! I started to do this earlier this morning, but got sidetracked. Here I go again! I came across a blog a few weeks ago Every Friday she posts 5 questions to answer on Friday. Hence the 5QF...
1. If you could, would you go back to high school?
That's a big HELL no. I have some pretty great friends from high school and often miss high school athletics. But it was such an awkward, uncomfortable time. I'm a much different person now than I was back then. I'm confident, happy, and most of all, an adult. I figure I can live vicariously through my children when they hit that age. ;o)
2. If a genie appeared and granted you two wishes, what would they be? (And, no saying "more wishes.")
Not going to lie.. money! I would love to have enough set aside to buy a house. But, I would make sure and ask the genie for a sound $250k for a nice, new home. The other would be for an all expense paid trip around the world for the husband and I once the children are older. I would love nothing more than to visit as many countries as I can.
3. What kids show do you secretly like?
Well, it's really no big secret to some, but I could watch iCarly all day everyday. I'm so glad Shannon is more interested in that show than Hannah Montana.
4. What is your beverage of choice?
WATER! I drink a few glasses first thing in the morning, then a few more throughout the day. But, if I had to choose something else, it would definitely be Dr. Pepper!
5. What is something that you would change about yourself (or are working to change in yourself)?
My weight. It hasn't been this big of an issue to me since I was in high school. It's kind of silly. I'm more concerned about my weight now, than I was when I weighed 35 lbs heavier. Maybe it's because I'm so scared I will ever weigh that much again. I'm not sure. But I've been TRYING to watch what I eat overall. And, I go to the gym regularly. Well, I try to, it was kind of hard when we were all pretty much sick or recovering from being sick for two weeks. I also became a Beachbody coach, so we will see where that takes me!


Rachel (Diary of a Recovering Chocoholic) said...

Waters always my first choice too!And you couldn't pay me any less than 1 million-tax free to go back to high school!

Jane said...

Oh I know! No amount imaginable could make me go through that torture again haha.

Hawaii Soccer Mom said...

Cute! I'm so going to steal this!!!! Very cool post and now I know a little more about you. I would've said water a few weeks ago, but then I discovered Seattle's Best Caramel Creme Javakula coffee...O.M.G. Do you drink coffee? If so, you HAVE to try it! Its the iced kind, perfect for any occasion!

Jane said...

I will definitely have to try it out. My favorite coffee drink is this Kahlua Kicker from Dutch Bros. Just wish it was made with real Kahlua. ;o)

Hawaii Soccer Mom said...

Hahhah... where do you get it? Do you buy it at the store, or is there a coffee shop out there somewhere that sells it?

Jane said...

Yeah, there's this little drive-thru place my mom goes to in her town called Dutch Bros. I think you would love them, Sandra.

Julie Catoe said...

SO cool. Love learning more about you. I would love to have a house paid for too. But than you have to decided where it would be. Where would your house be? Water is the best but I love my coffee every morning. I count my coffee as some water intake. That might be bad but I do there is water in it... right?