Team Beachbody!

Friday, February 3, 2012

5 Question Friday

1. What have you done recently that you are proud of?
Recently? Hmm.. Honestly I'm not sure. Maybe I'm just being totally pessimistic right now. I have no idea. I'll get back to you on that one...

2. What is your favorite way to work out? Or if you don't workout, what are you wanting to try?
My favorite way to work out.. playing a sport. Softball or volleyball were my favorites!! Since that isn't exactly easy to do as an adult, I want to do TurboFire as soon as I'm back to 100% health.

3. If you knew you best friend was cheating on spouse would you tell?
Probably not. Not up to me. But it would definitely put a strain on things. Especially considering my best friend is like my sister and her husband is a good friend of ours.

4. If you could afford a live-in maid or nanny, would you have one?
A maid yes, WITHOUT a doubt! Nanny, no.. I need to be my children's mother. But a maid, I can be a good wife without having to clean allllll day haha.

5. Do you stress out about birthdays (specifically the age) or do you enjoy them?
I don't stress about my own birthdays at all. I just try to enjoy them because it could be my last =o) I do stress about my children's birthdays though. Mostly just planning them. Then as it gets closer I get excited. Day of I get really excited. I love how excited they get over stuff like that!

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