Team Beachbody!

Monday, July 26, 2010


I think gender roles are complete crap. I didn't grow up thinking my mom did anything specific because she was mom, and the same thing with my dad. I'm not going into any kind of details here, just need to vent.
We are back from Oregon and California. I had such a blast in Oregon. I can't wait to go back, hopefully before next summer.


Hawaii Soccer Mom said...

Jane!!!! I miss you!!! Its been so long since I've commented on your blog!!! So you have ADHD, then!? Well, at least you have an answer to some of your frustrations!! Do you have to take medicine for it? I know nothing about ADHD so you must educate me.

So happy that you had a great time in Oregon! Visiting family is always fun!

Anonymous said...

Your font color makes it unreadable.