Team Beachbody!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Miss Shannon

As I said in an earlier post or two, we had Shannon tested for ADHD/ADD towards the end of 2011.  The results came back as definitely ADHD Hyperactive, but strong possibility of Inattentive/Hyperactive ADHD with ODD.  We tried to change a few things, but I was still noticing different, very strong behaviors in her.  So about a month and a half ago, I filled out a questionnaire to have her tested for Asperger Syndrome.  Well, I got the test results back today, and I'm still just as confused as I was a few months ago.  It wasn't as clear and detailed as the one we had done for ADHD.  My questionnaire showed it is "likely" that she has Asperger Syndrom.  The teacher's questionnaire showed it's "unlikely" that she has it.  So to me, that is still a 50/50 chance.  My next step will be to try and set up an appointment at the Child Development Clinic at the University of Utah. 
I'm determined to try to do my best for this child.  I refuse to just jump straight to medication.  I would much rather see a professional who can help with tools for everyday life and intervention. 
This parenting thing is tough.  Toughest thing I have ever done in my life, but also the most rewarding.  I am not trying to put a label on my child, I'm just trying to do what's best and do right for my bright, special, amazing 6 year old. 

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