Team Beachbody!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Recent Realizations

I made it safe and sound in four and a half hours yesterday. Went to the car show and saw old friends. All in all it was a pretty good day. Shannon was so worn out, she barely even slept last night. She was waking up about every half hour cry for some reason. But, I think I am functioning well on just a few hours sleep. Not too sure what we have planned for today. As of right now we are relaxing, well, I'm relaxing, Shannon is running poor grandma into the ground!
It's funny to me, watching Shannon from afar. As much as I try to think of her as my big girl, she's still just my little rugrat. When she opens her mouth, I sometimes expect full sentences to come pouring out. But, her jibberish is half comprehendable, and I like it that way, for now. I like how I still feel like I am needed. And she's almost two!
The time has just gone by too fast. I missed some of the early moments, but I'm glad I get to witness all the things she's accomplishing now. This child seems to learn a new word everyday!
Well, I have to write more at a later time. Shannon has mom on the floor, my turn!

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