Team Beachbody!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Post Secret got me thinking...

No really, it did.. I was reading yesterday's Post Secret like I usually do every Sunday. This Sunday was about Father's Day. And there was one in particular that stood out to me. It was a headstone, and the person wrote "I don't remember his voice" on it. There are somedays when I honestly wonder if I still remember his voice, my father that is... I can think about it and it takes me a minute. Is there going to come a day when I just don't remember it at all?? This is what I'm afraid of.. I'm afraid of forgetting his voice. I'm afraid of forgetting certain memories.
Shortly after he died, I would call the house phone for as long as I could before it was shut off. I would call just to let the answering machine pick up so I could hear his voice. Sometimes once was enough, other times I'd call back and listen to it a few more times.

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