Team Beachbody!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fudge, crud, darn...!?

Yeah, the title pretty much describes how I feel right now in a PG manner. Those are the words I've said frequently throughout the last few days, but I've said the more "grown up" versions.

So, here I sit typing, with my legs up on the couch. Sounds good huh? No. Not since I didn't even manage to get half of my "to do" list done today. I made it to Costco and the doctor's office and that's about it. Didn't go to the regular grocery store, or mail off my mom's gift yet.

Yesterday, I was trying to open up the big stroller (one-handed, well, with one hand and one foot). While trying to use my foot to "pry" it open in way, my foot got caught, the stroller fell over, and it twisted my ankle in the process. The result... a sprained ankle. Boooo. That's what I think of that. My doctor always wants me to see a dermatologist so I can have a few moles on my back examined and possibly removed. Fun stuff (not). I'm officially boycotting doctors for a few weeks.

On a good note, husband will be home very soon.

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