Team Beachbody!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Great weekend!

Well, it's Monday again! Yay? Yes, I think it's a "yay" kind of Monday. I found out the latest date for husband to come home. SO excited, I feel like we are rounding third and headed into home base.
Anyway! I think this following weekend was pretty nice. I didn't spend much time at the apartment. I tried to keep the girls out and busy! So, we had dinner over at the in-laws Saturday. And Sunday we spent most of the afternoon over there.
This weather has been PERFECT lately. The only thing I can't stand about being outside are these stinkin' cottonwood trees! I opened my sliding glass door yesterday morning, and I had it open for a few hours. Anyway, when I went to close it, there was this HUGE pile of cottonwood (I'm going to call them flurries, since I don't know what to call it!) flurries. A few days ago, there were so many "flurries" in the air, Shannon thought it was snowing. I had to keep waving my hand in front of my face while I was walking today since I forgot my sunglasses. Other than that, this weather is amazing. And soon, we will have daddy back to enjoy it with us!

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