Team Beachbody!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 3, Complete

Day 1: Kitchen
Day 2: Laundry
Day 3: Bathrooms and all of the above. 
I think I did pretty okay.  Did toilets, front bathroom sink, litter box and swept front bathroom.  I picked all the clothes and towels up in the back bathroom.  Got a hold on laundry, did bedding, cooked meals, and washed all the dishes from today.  I would say I'm fairly content with today's progress.  This was all on top of helping out with my friend's 5 kids downstairs.  She was admitted to the hospital early this morning and had her gallbladder removed this afternoon.  It's 1130 at night and I'm finally getting a chance to rest a little more.  Not sure what I have set as my goal for tomorrow.  Maybe the dining room so we can eat at the table as a family again. 
Growing up, we only ate at the dining room table once, maybe twice a year.  Aside from that, it was the hub or store all for random items and junk.  I seem to have carried on this trait from my childhood.  So as an adult, I have always enjoyed sitting down and actually eating a meal with my little family. 
To some this may seem like some boring post about a housewife actually seeing to her housewife duties.  To me it is something more.  I'm attempting to hold myself accountable and keep track of the progress I make.  I've been pretty happy lately as well.  Maybe my sense of accomplishment, or lack thereof, really does affect my mood!

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