Team Beachbody!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Today = sucktastic

I'm so glad this day has come to a close. It was awful. Neither of us could get a grip on Shannon at all today and Erin didn't even want to be put down. She even settled with daddy holding her.
It was semi-rocky up until Shannon dumped the crumbs from a bag of chips onto the couch. I asked her to help clean them and she flat out refused. She preferred time out over picking up the crumbs. Then, I discovered my brand new Victoria's Secret mascara in the middle of her bed, under the sheet of course. She swabbed it all over her feet, top and bottoms, a little on her face, then on the wall above her pillow. That sent me over the edge. I had only used it twice, and she stole it out of my bathroom. I told her more than once she couldn't use it. I've never put mascara on her, and actually refuse to until she's a teenager. So, given the fact I've been on edge the last few days, I had a meltdown. Husband came out to help defuse the "Jane bomb."
Later in the afternoon I decided I needed a haircut. More or less, I just needed to get out of the house one last time for some relaxation, or so I thought. I told the hairdresser I wanted full color, not highlights. I was reading, and even asked when I noticed just parts of my hair were foiled. And she said, "that's okay, it's supposed to be like that." Obviously still not understanding what I wanted. And I didn't know since I've never really had my hair professionally fully colored before. Well, she ended up putting bright blonde and a darker, copper red highlights in my hair. Definitely not what I asked for. I wanted red underneath with blonde all over the rest.
I'm really hoping I don't have another meltdown soon. Poor husband doesn't need to be dealing with this before he goes. I just hope I can keep more of a grip on my emotions. I kinda started back up again once I saw our friend's obituary. It's real now. Not like it wasn't before, but it's just so unreal. I REALLY hope tomorrow is better. Husband is going to the priesthood session with his brothers and dad. I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing yet. We are going to dye eggs at some point tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that, it was totally the husband's idea.
Well, off to bed I guess, good night world...


colby said...

that's fantastic that he is going to the priesthood session.

you should turn on conference too.

it's on until noon, and then from 2-4 on ksl (it's 5 for us, but not sure for people with cable)

Jane said...

Well, I had planned on watching a little bit in the afternoon, since I never have officially seen one. But we ended up driving to Hill at the last minute since all his stuff has to be on the plane on Monday.

colby said...

that's too bad. there were some INCREDIBLE talks.

Hawaii Soccer Mom said...

I'm so sorry, Jane! Sounds like you're super stressed out, chica. Have you thought about going to see a counselor/chaplain/etc just to have someone to talk to? It may help and you can release all your frustration.

What's a priesthood session!?

Jane said...

I kind of talk to the counselor Shannon is seeing. So, that helps a little. For the most part, my mom is my personal on-call counselor ;o)
It's an LDS thing on Saturday's of conference. Husband tells me it's pretty much the same talk every time, just different people lol.