Team Beachbody!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Random thought time..

Twitter, I don't understand the purpose of Twitter. I don't like it. I have one.. It just annoys me. Granted, I sometimes use it as an extra way to vent when I don't feel like putting it out on facebook. Which leads me to my next rant...

If you have a problem with someone, don't "call em out" on facebook, pick up the phone and tell them in person. Especially when it's a problem that doesn't necessarily need to be announced to the whole damn world. Husband, friend, family bashing all on facebook. In some ways Myspace/Facebook is ruining basic forms of socialization. But, I understand how some people can't just face someone and tell them how they really feel, at least social networks may be a way for them to actual get it out. So, I guess I do get it, but I still like the plain, old way of telling someone how you feel in person or over the phone.

I have a friend who just signed up for last night. And I just don't get it. Just like social networks, I kind of feel it may ruin modern dating. Modern dating is just weird anyway. I remember how I used to make myself sick for a week waiting to call a guy. I'd meet a guy, he'd give me his home number, because not everyone permanently had a cell phone attached to them at this time.. I'd eventually call the guy and sometimes talk on the phone for hours! Now, it's texting. And to me texting just seems way to impersonal. It used to be calling or sending each other notes between class or whatever. I'm just glad to say, I'm happy I don't have to worry about dating in this modern, technological day and age. Geez, makes me sound like an old fart.. No, I've only been with my husband for 6 years (today as a matter of fact). But during those 6 years, courting, wooing, dating has seemed to change drastically.

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