Team Beachbody!

Friday, May 27, 2011

It's still Friday for 18 more minutes! 5QF

1. Do you apologize to your kids?
- Yes! I say sorry to chairs if I bump into them even. Of course I apologize to my kids!

2. What color are your nails right now?
-Well, mostly nude with some chipped pink paint. But the pink paint turns purplish in the sun. Gotta love Del Sol!

3. When you were growing up, how difficult was it for you to stay home from school sick? (As in, did you have to vomit or just say "I don't feel good")?
-I definitely HAD to be sick. My mom was a nurse, so I always had to have a legitimate reason to be sick. She'd usually check to see if I had a fever. I rarely ever threw up, but almost always if I was sick, I was either watched like a hawk or sent to the doctor.

4. When is the last time you bought a new comforter for your bed?
- Shoot, 2007/2008, if not longer. When we finally have some money again, I would like to buy a whole new set for the bed. We only have 1 pair of what I would call, good sheets. And I want to buy some of the same quality, just a different color.

5. Favorite website(s)?
- Facebook, blogger, youtube.. the usuals. I don't really do a whole lot of browsing. Postsecret and cafemom are a few others.

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