Team Beachbody!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 1, 30 Day Challenge

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts

I'm Jane. I'm an Army wife, mother of 2 girls, daughter, and friend to many. I'll be a quarter of a century in exactly 2 months.

Random Facts:
1. I turned 18 years old while in Basic Training for the Air Force.
2. I know how to operate a backhoe and other forms of heavy machinery.
3. I learned to crochet a year ago and I'm addicted.
4. My biggest pet peeve is misspelled words.
5. I'm a mild hoarder.
6. I'm extremely neurotic and a bit of a control freak, kind of goes hand in hand.
7. I love guns, shotguns are my favorite.
8. Jersey Shore is one of my favorite guilty pleasures.. fist pump!!!!
9. I love sports, watching them, playing them, everything about sports.
10. I play World of Warcraft.. and I have played since January 2007.
11. I don't like to cook much, but I love to bake.
12. I have ADD, didn't discover I had it until my then 4 year old daughter was diagnosed. I was 23.
13. I hunt and fish, but hunting is more fun.
14. I'm not artistic at all.
15. I absolutely hate to run.


Unknown said...

I was hoping you'd use that photo lol

Jane said...

Of course! It's your favorite one =o)