Team Beachbody!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 9

A favorite picture of your best friend

My best friend is on the right. I like this one because she's actually smiling. Most of the time in pictures, she just gives you the look like "why the hell are you taking my picture..."

Shawna is pretty cool, I think. We've been friends for almost 5 years. Believe it or not, I've only seen her in person once, after we had been talking for 3 years.

I used to be active on a website called Cafemom. We started talking on that website and on an online game. Then we started texting each other almost every day.

Being in the military, I've made a lot of friends. Some I don't talk to as much and some I'll probably never see again. Shawna is the best friend I've ever had. Nothing has ever kept us from talking for any more than a week at most. One of the things I love most about her is her honesty. I can ask her any question or give her any scenario and she will tell me exactly what she thinks, feels, knows, whatever. We've never fought or exchanged harsh words.

Someday it would be nice to live in the same state as each other, it'd be even better if it was the same town. But I know that no matter what she'll always be there for me, and I'll always be there for her.


Unknown said...

That's awesome. I <3 you too Jane :)

Jane said...

<3 you too friend =o)